Digistore24 affiliates promoting KeySlim Drops will be credited 65% commission front-end and 60% on upsells. We are willing to increase this if you send higher volume traffic
Contact our affiliate manager for more details and comission bumps.
KeySlim Drops is generating great payouts for our affiliates with $3 - $5 EPC's, and an AOV of $200+. Default commissions of 65% on front-end sales and 60% on upsells will be paid on every sale to the affiliates promoting KeySlim Drops.
The weight loss market is huge – and it's getting bigger. According to the latest research, in the United States alone over 70% of adults are overweight. That means almost 140 million american adults are in need of a proven weight loss solution. And that's not taking into account the rest of the USA – of all ages – who aren't classified as obese or overweight, but would still love to lose a few pounds!
KeySlim Drops is brought to you by a Digistore24 Top team with a combined 20 years of experience launching winning offers in the direct marketing industry. We know what it takes to create high-converting offers that stick around for the long-term. And we support those offers with exemplary customer service and next-gen fulfilment processes that ensures orders are sent out as fast as possible. This means that we provide a healthy and sustainable business oportunity for our affiliates.
Keyslim VSL has been tweaked to perfection and has 4 outstanding leads from which you can choose, depending on your best performing angles and campaigns:
LEAD 1: CURIOSITY - 70s beach film - why people in the 70s were ALL slim and fit?
LEAD 2: EMOTIONAL - Fat Shaming : "Go to fat-camp, you ugly, fat, woman!" works very well with highly emotional angles.
LEAD 3: PARADOXICAL - Twinkie Diet - why some people NEVER get fat, no matter what they eat?
LEAD 4: CONSPIRACY - somebody wants you to get fat & it's not your fault.
Step 1: Fill in your Digistore24 affiliate ID and the Tracking ID (optional) in the form below:
Step 2: Paste the generated link in your campaigns
Step 3 (optional): Check our affiliate resources presented below.
Email swipes are regularly optimized and updated for best performance.
Send our professionally written marketing emails to your email subscribers and start earning commissions today! Remember to add your links where needed.
PRO Tips:
Send to the VSL (default page) first for best conversions.
Send to all unopens 24 hours after your first email.
Subject: [ZERO FAT]: Just Add 2 Drops of This To Burn Fat 370% Faster
Scientists call this the most effective "shortcut to weight loss":
Before you go to bed tonight, add just 2 drops of THIS common spice in a glass of water and boost fat burning by over 370%!
Here it is:
==> Just 2 Drops of THIS Will Boosts Fat Burning By 370%
I was too, but this is how both me and my wife lost more than 40 pounds of toxic stubborn fat in less than a month!
See the incredible results for yourself.
Subject: Simple "Drip & Drop" Ritual Burns Belly Fat 3X Faster
Have you heard about this?
48,745 men and women do this FIRST THING every morning:
They wake up...
Go to the kitchen immediately...
And do THIS simple "Drip & Drop" ritual to burn up to 3X more fat throughout the day.
It has an astonishing 98% success rate…
It’s 6X more powerful than exercise…
And 7X more effective than Paleo, Keto or Low Calorie Diets!
If you really want to transform the way you look starting today, you MUST see this now:
==> Simple "Drip & Drop" Ritual Burns Belly Fat 3X Faster
Subject: Want To Lose Weight 3X Faster!? Try THIS Odd Technique
This new weight loss method is absolutely insane:
1. Before you go to bed, fill a glass of cold water…
With this one odd trick, you’ll be able to quickly boost your metabolism by more than 70% and finally lose excess fat from your belly, thighs or arms FOR GOOD.
It sounds weird, but thousands of overweight men and women say "IT WORKS WONDERS!"
It has an astonishing 98% success rate…
It’s 6X more powerful than exercise…
And 7X more effective than Paleo, Keto or Low Calorie Diets!
If you really want to transform the way you look starting today, you MUST see this now:
==> Simple "Drip & Drop" Ritual Burns Belly Fat 3X Faster
Subject: How To Burn 3X More Excess Fat Even While Sleeping
Many say this is impossible, but it’s NOT!
Thanks to a recent discovery, anyone can now burn X3 more fat, even while sleeping!
But how?
A study done by The School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, found that people who added just 2 drops of this newly discovered substance lost an average of 7.8lbs/week…
With NO surgery, pills or drugs…
With ZERO physical exercises and…
And with ABSOLUTELY NO dietary restrictions!
The best thing?
It’s completely natural and you can do it safely from the comfort of your home starting tonight!
Click here to see the substance which burns 3X more fat even while sleeping.
Subject: Urgent: 7-second "Drip & Drop" Hack Melts 67 LBS
What happened to my belly? (so lean!)
Latest studies have found that adding just 2 drops of this substance to a glass of warm water TRIPLES fat burning results for 48h no matter what you eat!
It takes less than 7 seconds…
Yet, it has an astonishing 98% success rate…
It’s 6X more powerful than exercise…
And 7X more effective than Paleo, Keto or Low Calorie Diets!
If you really want to transform the way you look starting today, you MUST see this now:
==> Simple "Drip & Drop" Ritual Burns Belly Fat 3X Faster
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You are permitted to use the following imagery in your promotions. Click to open the image in a new window then right-click "Save Image As" to save to your computer.
Please note that these images are high quality and are lazyloaded, please wait a few seconds for them to fully load.
Our presell pages are optimized for native networks, you can edit and update them for Facebook as well.
Remember to add your links and website name where needed.
Preview Prelander 1 Preview Prelander 2 Preview Prelander 3If you have further questions about the offer and the promo materials,
we’re here to help, so please contact us over email!
Email: [email protected]
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All affiliates (regardless of their country of domicile) MUST be in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines, including without limitation the Federal Trade Commission Act ("FTC Act"), the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 ("CAN-SPAM Act"), Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") regulations and guidelines implementing the FTC Act and the CAN-SPAM Act, the FTC’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising ("FTC Testimonials Guide"), the National Advertising Division decisions of the Better Business Bureau, and other federal and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines.
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Affiliates must also NEVER use any images or videos that they do not own (including the KeySlim Drops sales video(s) - in whole or in part), and are forbidden from using any imagery that would imply any personal endorsement (celebrity or otherwise) without written consent from both the individuals making the endorsement AND KeySlim Drops.com
Affiliates are forbidden from creating webpages, social media pages or accounts that falsely represent themselves as the creators or owners of the KeySlim Drops and must make it clear that the page is a REVIEW page and you're being compensated for the review. Therefore, any page and all creative contained therein must include the word 'REVIEW' in the title, the url and any graphics used in the cover image or profile image. This includes blogs, webpages, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or ANY OTHER online entity whether or not it is considered to be "social media".
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It is strictly forbidden to create apps for sale or for giveaway using the KeySlim Drops brand. You are also not allowed to create any other products using our brand name, for sale or for giveaway (in other words - no free reports, books, workouts, or apps branded with our brand name whatsoever). In short, do not represent a product created by you or someone hired by you as ours.
You are not allowed to promote KeySlim Drops on retail sites, auction sites, or app stores such as Amazon, eBay, Google Store, iTunes, or any other site that falls into these categories, in any way, shape, or form (this includes products created by you or by us). As well, selling products branded with the KeySlim Drops brand on Craigslist, Kijiji, or any other classified ad network is forbidden.
Affiliates may not bypass KeySlim Drops pages to generate orders. In other words, no direct linking to cart or order forms from any ads or landing pages. The customer must see our offer as presented by us prior to landing on the cart.
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